PAs Stand Ready to Provide Care to the Millions of Illinois Residents that Desperately Need It.

PAs believe in Team-Based Care.

PAs need and want to work closely with all health care providers, including physicians, to give patients access to high-quality care across Illinois.

PAs are currently the only health care providers legally required to have their licenses tied to another provider. This requirement is not only unnecessary, it limits PA practice in a way that substantially harms patient access to essential care.

PAs should be allowed to practice in collaboration with all health care providers, without a legal relationship with a specific physician.

PAs know the limits of their education and experience.

Physicians know when to refer to specialists and so do PAs!

Just like a physician refers to a specialist when needed, PAs know when their patients require specialty care and can refer to the appropriate provider or physician.

IL Patients Support PA Practice

Survey data reveal that 90% of Illinois residents believe that PAs should be allowed to practice to the full extent of their training, education, and experience.

Illinois Patients Want PA Practice Law Updated

89% of Illinois residents support updating PA practice laws to allow states and health systems to utilize their healthcare workforce fully.

The current IL PA Practice Act doesn’t allow healthcare organizations to decide how to utilize PAs best to meet the needs of their patients, leading to delays and a lack of access to desperately needed care.